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Learning Optimal Vocabularies for Machine Translation with only CPU

Constructing a vocabulary is a fisrt step for any NLP tasks. How can we efficiently learn an optimal vocabulary for machine translation? In this blog, I will explain the VOLT algorithm from the paper Vocabulary Leaning via Optimal Transport for Neural Machine Translation, which was awarded the Best Paper at ACL 2021.

Ahmed ElkordyAbout 9 minMTMultilingual MTVocabulary LearningOptimal Transport
Contextual Parameter Generation for Universal Neural Machine Translation


A typical neural machine translation (NMT) system needs to support the translation among various languages, that is, a multilingual(many-to-many) NMT system rather than only support the translation between two languages. However, to support the multilingual translation is still a challenge. One direct idea is to use a separate model to translation one language to another language, which is very easy to implement but brings high costs: To support the translation among N languages, we need train N(N-1)/2 separate models. Such a method does not allow the sharing of information across languages, which can result in overparameterization and sub-optimal in performance. We denote this method as per-language NMT

Bairu HouAbout 6 minMTDL4MTMultilingual MT
Contrastive Learning for Many-to-many Multilingual Neural Machine Translation

How to develop a single unified model to translate from any language to any language? This work proposes a many-to-many translation system with emphasis on both English-centric and non-English directions. Many recent works have focused on proposing a single unified model for multiligual translation. These models are favorable because they are efficient and easy for deployment. However, most of these works focus on improving English-centric directions, which means that translation between two arbitrary languages may not be well supported. Therefore, in this paper, they propose a training method called mRASP2, including contrastive learning and alignment augmentation (AA) to train a unified multilingual translation system. They also contribute a monolingual dataset called MC24. By making use of monolingual and bilingual language copora, the system is able to learn language-agnostic representation to support non-English directions better than before. Their system achieves great performances and outperforms a strong Transformer baseline by a large margin.

Weixi FengAbout 5 minMTDL4MTMultilingual MTContrastive LearningZero-shot TranslationmRASPRandom Aligned Substitution
Exploiting Capacity for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation

Multiligual machine translation aims at learning a single tanslation model for multiple languages. However, high resource language often suffers from performance degradation. In this blog, we present a method LaSS proposed in a recent ACL paper on multilingual neural machine translation. The LaSS is an approach to jointly train a single unified multilingual MT model and learns language-specific subnetwork for each language pair. Authors conducted experiments on IWSLT and WMT datasets with various Transformer architectures. The experimental results demonstrates average 1.2 BLEU improvements on 36 language pairs. LaSS shows strong generalization capabilty and demonstrates strong performance in zero-shot translation. Specifically, LaSS achieves 8.3 BLEU on 30 language pairs.

Wenda XuAbout 4 minMTDL4MTMultilingual MTModel CapacityLanguage-specific Sub-network
What is proper Pre-training for Multilingual Machine Translation?

​ In 1920, the great philosopher Bertrand Russell visited China, accompanied by Yuen Ren Chao, a Chinese-American linguist. Mr. Chao was a naturally gifted polyglot. At that time, he could already speak Baoding dialect, Wu dialect, Fuzhou dialect, Nanjing dialect, and English. He accompanied Russell from Shanghai to Changsha by ship. During the trip, he was learning Changsha dialect from Yang Ruiliu, an economist on the same ship. When the ship docked in Changsha, Yuen Ren Chao was already able to translate Russell's speeches and slang into Changsha dialect. Can our neural network become a model like "Yuen Ren Chao" on machine translation? That is, to create a unified model with multilingual abilities, and when encountering new languages, the model could quickly adapt to translating new ones after training with a small amount of data.

Xiao PanAbout 13 minMTMultilingual MTPre-trainingRandom Aligned SubstitutionZero-shot TranslationmRASP